Have you ever struggled making reports with the data that you have ?
Problems in Visualizing the same?
Have you waited for a Data analyst to give you the answers you need ?
I had many experiences where I sat for long hours to make reports with the unorganized data that I had.
Google has come up with a solution to this. The dashboard Google data studio , which is a free visualization business intelligence and reporting tool.This tool allows you to transform your data and create detailed reports.Using this tool you can choose how you want to present the data, by bar graphs ,charts ,line graphs and many more.
The premise that you can connect all of your business data sources and easily build reliable informative reports. There are 18 data connectors which connects different google platforms directly into Data studio.Google sheet is one of those connecters ,which means data from Google spreadsheets are accessible in Studio to prepare and visualize the reports.
So now if your data is ready and accurate then your report preparation and getting answers for your questions are quite easy with this tool.